Sebagai blog owner, saya ingin perkenalkan tujuan saya membuat blog ini. Ini bisa dikatakan sebuah perkenalan atau bisa juga disebut sebagai kebijakan privasi.
(As a blog owner, I want to introduce my goal to create this blog. This can be said of an introduction or it could be called a privacy policy.)
(As a blog owner, I want to introduce my goal to create this blog. This can be said of an introduction or it could be called a privacy policy.)
Sehubungan dengan keinginan pribadi saya untuk berbagi cerita traveling, pengalaman dan merealisasikan hobi "menulis di waktu senggang", semuanya akan saya share di blog ini dan bismillah semoga bermanfaat bagi pembacanya.
(Related with my personal desire to share travel stories, experiences and realize my hobby "writing in my spare time", everything will be shared on this blog and bismillah hopefully this blog be useful for readers.)
(Related with my personal desire to share travel stories, experiences and realize my hobby "writing in my spare time", everything will be shared on this blog and bismillah hopefully this blog be useful for readers.)
Silahkan share jika ada postingan dari blog ini yang dirasakan bermanfaat dan mohon sematkan link sumber artikel dari blog ini.
(Please share if any posts from this blog that felt useful and please embed the source link of this blog article.)
(Please share if any posts from this blog that felt useful and please embed the source link of this blog article.)
Jika ada yang ingin dikomentari, mohon disampaikan komentar yang sekiranya membangun. Dilarang keras menyisipkan link artikel berbau SARA, politik, pornografi, berpotensi penipuan dan segala sesuatu yang melanggar hukum yang berlaku. Komentar anda adalah semangat saya untuk terus menulis.
(If anyone wants to be commented on, please submit a comment that might be constructive. It is strictly forbidden to insert links about SARA, politics, pornography, potentially fraud and anything that violates applicable law. Your comment is my passion to continue writing.)
(If anyone wants to be commented on, please submit a comment that might be constructive. It is strictly forbidden to insert links about SARA, politics, pornography, potentially fraud and anything that violates applicable law. Your comment is my passion to continue writing.)
Salam hangat,
(Warm regards,)
(Warm regards,)