Blog ini telah bekerja sama dengan beberapa jaringan periklanan, afiliasi dan klien bisnis startup baru di Indonesia.
(This blog has been working with several advertising networks, affiliates and new business startup clients in Indonesia)
(This blog has been working with several advertising networks, affiliates and new business startup clients in Indonesia)
Sponsored by:
Partnered with:
and also have been partnered with:
Happy Client:
Blog ini melayani kerjasama dalam bentuk:
(This blog accepts cooperation in)
(This blog accepts cooperation in)
- Pemasangan banner iklan widget ukuran 300x250px atau 300x600px pada sidebar dan 728x90px pada header.
(Ad banner placement in size 300x250px or 300x600px at sidebar and 728x90px at header) - Posting artikel advertorial dimana konten artikel disediakan oleh advertiser.
(Post an advertorial article where the content of the article is provided by the advertiser) - Posting video di Youtube Channel.
(Post videos on Youtube Channel)
Sebagai syarat dalam kerja sama, konten iklan tidak boleh mengandung unsur yang melanggar hukum, unsur politik, dan unsur yang menjatuhkan iklan produk lainnya. Disarankan konten iklan sesuai dengan niche dari blog ini (traveling / lifestyle) tetapi iklan sosial seperti kampanye lingkungan juga diperbolehkan.
(As prerequisites, ad content should not contain unlawful elements, political elements, and elements that insult other product ads. Suggested content of Ad, it should be suitable with the niche of this blog (traveling / lifestyle) but social ads such as environmental campaigns are also allowed.)
Keuntungan bekerja sama dengan blog ini memungkinkan konten iklan terindeks di halaman awal google karena pagerank yang cukup baik. Iklan artikel advertorial dan posting video akan dibagikan di social media.
(The advantage of working with this blog is the Ad content have chance to be appeared in the first page of google search engine because blog pagerank is good enough. Advertorial article ads and video posts will be shared in social media)
Keuntungan bekerja sama dengan blog ini memungkinkan konten iklan terindeks di halaman awal google karena pagerank yang cukup baik. Iklan artikel advertorial dan posting video akan dibagikan di social media.
(The advantage of working with this blog is the Ad content have chance to be appeared in the first page of google search engine because blog pagerank is good enough. Advertorial article ads and video posts will be shared in social media)